Friday, we got up and made some french toast for breakfast and had some cantaloupe. It was really good and then we all decided to go fishing. It was really fun. Tracy and Tyler brought up there canoe and they took it out on the lake and we went around the lake to fish on the shore. I caught a couple of fish that day. later Alison and I got in the canoe and she caught a fish then. between all of us we caught about 20 fish that day. It was fun. After fishing we went back to camp and prepared some Hobo dinners. They turned out so good. I have some good cooks in my family!! We just kind of took it easy for the rest of the night and sat around the fire and talked. It was nice.
Saturday, I got up about 9:00 and went fishing fir a while. I really wanted to go out by myself so I could learn how to cast better. . . . something I struggle with for some reason, but I can tell you after this weekend, I am better at it. I caught 5 fishies that morning and I was a happy camper!!
Chris came out after just a little bit and he did pretty good too. he caught 4, but I had a little more time out there. It was nice spending time with him. We had fun. We went back and had some lunch and I took a's tiring fishing. Lol. Later on we cooked some dutch oven chicken and cheesy potatoes, then for dessert we had apple and blueberry cobbler. It was really yummy. That night the kids all fell asleep early and so we all sat and talked for quite a while. It was really funny, towards the end of the night Bryce went and put on his Gila suit and a wolf mask and sneaked behind Chris and scared the ba-gee-bees out of him and Nanette. It was really funny. Sorry Chris and Nanette. Love you!!
Sunday, I got up and fished for a little bit, caught a few and then went back to camp to pack up. It was sad to have to leave. I really had a wonderful time. I got to spend time with my kids, throw rocks and play with my grand kids, it was so beautiful and serene, It was hard to leave.
We took the long way home and saw a few more lakes. We went to Hoop Lake which was really pretty and the area is just awesome. I also got see quite a few animals on my trip. Some Deer, antelope, a moose, an elk, a rabbit, some chipmunks, a squirrel, ans lots of fishies. So I say it was a successful Reunion........Woohoo!!
I really want to thank Tracy, Tyler, Shanna, and Bryce for all the work, effort, and help that they put in to make this reunion so nice. You guys are awesome!! Love you all. . . . . . . . . . Mom
Yeah, it was really fun. It was cool to get out with everyone beyond just a few hours at home. Until next mosquito season...
Maybe next year we can go a little bit later so the mosquitos won't be so bad and the fishing will be even better.
We had a wonderful time at the nut house reunion even though there were thousands of skeeters. It's all worth it when you get to spend time with the family. Blaine didn't seem to mind the skeeters that bad even if he had tons of bites all over his body, and they say bug spray works! Oh well we can't wait for the 2nd annual nuthouse reunion coming in the year 2009, we better get planning!
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